Is my relationship with my body one of health?

To begin, ask yourself...

  • Do you frequently use your body as an excuse to put off doing things? (For instance, a party or the beach)
  • Have you ever entered a room and instantly feel as if everyone is staring at your body?
  • Do you feel the urge to eat by yourself out of concern about others' opinions?
  • Do you hate the thought of having a first-time intimate relationship?
  • Do you feel bad about wanting to cover up your body with plastic surgery or shapewear?
  • Your body confidence and self-love might use a boost if you can relate to any of those situations because you might not be aware of this.
Seeing the developments in the struggle for gender parity and fairness over the past ten years has been an exciting trip. Although we've come a long way, we're still not where we need to be.

A healthy relationship with your body involves treating it with respect, care, and kindness. This includes taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. Some ways to maintain a healthy relationship with your body include:
  • Eating a balanced and nutritious diet.
  • Staying physically active and engaging in regular exercise.
  • Getting enough sleep and rest.
  • Managing stress and practicing relaxation techniques.
  • Practicing good hygiene and self-care.
  • Listening to your body's needs and responding to them with care and compassion.
  • Seeking medical care and attention when necessary.
  • It's important to remember that a healthy relationship with your body is not just about physical health, but also emotional and mental well-being. This includes accepting and loving your body for what it is, and not comparing it to others or society's standards.
If you have concerns about your relationship with your body or your overall health, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance.

How therefore can we Embrace Equity in 2023 in its truest sense?

How It All Began

Observed annually on March 8, International Women's Day serves as a focal point for the women's rights movement and raises awareness of topics including gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women. Embracing equity in its truest sense in 2023 requires a comprehensive and sustained effort across multiple domains. 

Here are some actions that individuals and organizations can take to promote equity:

Recognize and address systemic inequalities: It is essential to acknowledge that equity is not just about treating everyone equally; it is also about recognizing that systemic inequalities exist and working to eliminate them. This requires identifying and addressing biases, discriminatory policies, and other systemic barriers that prevent certain groups from accessing opportunities and resources.

Foster inclusive environments: Organizations should strive to create inclusive environments where everyone feels valued and supported. This means actively working to create a culture that is welcoming to people of all backgrounds and identities, and ensuring that everyone has a voice and is heard.

Provide equal access to opportunities: All individuals should have equal access to education, employment, healthcare, and other essential resources. Organizations should work to eliminate barriers that prevent certain groups from accessing these opportunities.

Support marginalized communities: Organizations and individuals can support marginalized communities by providing financial resources, volunteer time, and advocacy efforts. This can include supporting community organizations, volunteering at local non-profits, and advocating for policies that support marginalized communities.

Educate oneself and others: It is essential to educate oneself and others about the root causes of inequities and the impact they have on individuals and communities. This can involve learning about the history of marginalized communities, the impact of systemic racism, and ways to promote equity.

Hold oneself and others accountable: Individuals and organizations should hold themselves and others accountable for promoting equity. This means setting goals, measuring progress, and making necessary adjustments to ensure that equity is being achieved.

Overall, embracing equity in its truest sense requires a sustained effort across multiple domains, including addressing systemic inequalities, fostering inclusive environments, providing equal access to opportunities, supporting marginalized communities, educating oneself and others, and holding oneself and others accountable.

Describe Body Equity

"The BodCon community celebrates body equality in observance of International Women's Day by appreciating and celebrating a variety of body types and sizes, striving for equal access to confidence for all women, but also realizing that everyone has different resources and paths to confidence."

Body equity refers to the idea that all bodies are equally valuable and deserving of respect, regardless of their size, shape, ability, or appearance. It is a concept rooted in body positivity and the belief that everyone has the right to feel good about their body and to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of how closely they conform to societal beauty standards.

Body equity means recognizing that bodies come in all shapes, sizes, and abilities and that there is no one "correct" way to have a body. It also means acknowledging that societal beauty standards are often narrow and exclusionary and that they can contribute to negative body image, low self-esteem, and other mental health issues.

To promote body equity, individuals and organizations can take several actions, including:

Emphasizing body diversity: Celebrate diversity by promoting images of a wide range of bodies in media and advertising campaigns.

Challenging beauty standards: Question societal beauty standards and recognize that they are often based on narrow, exclusionary ideals.

Encouraging self-love and acceptance: Encourage individuals to develop a positive body image by focusing on self-care and self-compassion.

Addressing discrimination: Address discrimination and stigma based on body size, shape, ability, or appearance.

Promoting healthy behaviors: Promote healthy behaviors and lifestyles without stigmatizing certain body types or sizes.

Overall, body equity is about promoting respect and acceptance for all bodies, regardless of their size, shape, ability, or appearance. It is a crucial component of overall equity, as it helps to reduce discrimination and promote inclusivity for all individuals.

The Relationship Between Equity and Equality

Giving every person or group the same resources or opportunities is referred to as equality.

Recognizing that every person has unique circumstances, equity distributes the precise resources and opportunities required to get an equal result. Equity and equality are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings, particularly when it comes to social justice and fairness.

Equality refers to treating everyone the same, regardless of their differences. In other words, it implies that everyone should receive the same treatment or opportunities regardless of their individual needs, backgrounds, or circumstances.

On the other hand, equity refers to ensuring that individuals are given what they need to be successful, acknowledging and addressing the unique needs and circumstances of different individuals or groups. It involves actively working to remove barriers that prevent some individuals or groups from accessing the same opportunities as others.

Therefore, equity is about achieving fairness by acknowledging and addressing historical and current inequities and providing targeted support to those who need it. It recognizes that individuals and groups may require different treatments to reach the same level of success or outcomes.

In summary, while equality means treating everyone the same, regardless of their circumstances, equity means acknowledging and addressing different circumstances and providing support accordingly to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.

Pose in the #EmbraceEquity manner

"In order to build an inclusive environment where every one of us may feel a sense of belonging, let's join together and encourage the next generation to treat one another with love and respect regardless of ethnicity, gender identity, or ability. Together, we can fight prejudice and stereotypes, provide an atmosphere where women can embrace equality and body equity, and celebrate radical self-acceptance."

Embracing equity means adopting an open and inclusive posture towards others, regardless of their differences. This may involve standing or sitting upright, with your shoulders relaxed and your arms open, ready to welcome and embrace others.

When you embrace equity, you convey a sense of openness and acceptance towards others, creating an environment that is conducive to collaboration and mutual respect. Your body language communicates that you are willing to listen to others' perspectives and consider their needs, regardless of their background or circumstances.

In essence, #EmbraceEquity is a call to action to actively work towards creating a more just and equitable society, starting with our own attitudes and behaviors towards others.

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