Dress Haul

thank you okay so we are back for that dress haul um I also have another blog lined up a new leg day with new equipment um a new workout so I'm excited to show you guys that but dresses I'm always ahead of myself I've got three different locations for these dresses I was going to do all Targets then I'm like what about the people that don't have a Target um and I will still be able to link the target ones in case you shop online because you know I like to shop online cute little PJs um I was wearing this one Calvin Klein before I get them from Ross and TJ Maxx that's like the first place.
I had to because
I just love them um and they're
super comfortable they're like little two
sets they're so soft they're super soft
this is the new one I just got and I did
make a brass trip and bought dresses and
I didn't try them on so we're gonna read
what they look like in blog um but yeah this is the last one I got and I like to shop small and extra small because I tease my husband it's an understatement you got lucky to find them but it's more unlucky but I love it just as much anyways.

I think we think we are you almost start
yeah specifically right I would say this
is your favorite um super soft when I bought it I originally thought it was just going to be like a cute little Cami like something you're gonna wear in the house um but when I put it on I was the price I was surprisingly surprised by how it looked so let's try this one on look how cute this one is and let me say the fabric is super soft it's very stretchy um it's ribbed material I don't know if you can read that but it's nice and ribbed it's not as short as I
thought it would be I was like oh it's
gonna be so short on me I can't wear it
I'm tall so everything I wear like
dresses um if they look short they're
Minis on me but it's surprisingly good and if it goes up not that I squat
in the skirts but I'm saying even if
it rises up it's still like I mean the
back is a little short but that's always
an issue it raises in the back not bad
nope it does have adjustable straps so
you can bring it down or up whatever
you need but you're a candle.

I love it and so does my husband um moving on this is more of a fun vibrant color I love the length it's got a slit it kind of feels like a t-shirt um that type of feeling like let's just try it on and you guys can read what it looks like okay look at this beautiful color it hugs you very nicely like it's it lays flat on your body but it's not like super tight it's not compressed or anything um I like a boob area gets very like you know how sometimes dresses like what is it when it creates the boob to tummy thing it doesn't like and here it says yeah there you go um looks good on the peach very nice the slit is beautiful.
I love it super cute um right just not the right hand the word for it can you read mine right there oh look you can I'm wearing black oh maybe we're black um with this one kind of like and this is from Target too they had shorts but they weren't big booty friendly it didn't work for me but uh you could do something like that or tie it around your waist depends if you want to hide the feature but it also looks cute around the waist yeah I'm just not those cuffs but
yeah just take it on the go with you.

love it I've wanted this one in black so
bad but I did find something at Ross that's similar and it has the slits because they didn't have it at Target so we'll read how that works let's go to
Amazon because I did get something on
Amazon execute let's try it out okay so I'm really into this slip thing have you guys noticed this one is even more sexy you can adjust it it can go a little bit lower or it can go really high I'm assuming the shorter you are that would make a difference so that was nice that you can control that um the little Ruffles can hide a little tummy Pooch if you have one of them you don't really feel like wearing anything that's like lays flat.
however, I've noticed that sometimes it could make you also look like you have a belly um so it's got its pros and cons there the back is super sexy bring it
lower it's so cute it's ribbed um kind of similar to this one but it's just not as this one's a little bit tighter and this one has more of a loose feel to it so
I like I lot I did a photo shoot in it so I might show some photos because um that's how much I
liked it and the top is Halter's
fun so you can make a Galore higher for
a more modest look.

if you want or
lower tease your man um okay so let's go to the rest ones I'm a little bit nervous because um well this one more is a little different but I I do I got it more just because I'm like oh it's cute it's fun it's short whatever so we'll read how it goes this one really reads really tight so do we want to start with
this one or yeah sure let's do that usually we don't shop for black.
I don't I don't I don't yeah they all dressed in black too as I was checking out with a bunch of black and I'm like this isn't my Norm I promise this one's really tight it's small and honestly they're all smalls some I think are even extra Smalls but this one has like the very tight
material like a almost like compressed
like a shaper you know you don't have to
wear a bra with it because oh my gosh
it's already serving as a bra you really
gotta jiggle through that one I
know you can wiggle into it and move
it around oh so it's super tight booty grabbing ain't that that great baby so it might not be that fun for you when clothes are a little too tight.

he can't grab it well he's like oh no fun so it is kind of tiny well that's what I could tell if it's tight on you or not I don't think that they had an um medium right I love I guess every girl should have a little black dress it's just really little tight yeah I like it this is awesome from Target ready yes yeah it's a long it's really cute I might just use it as a bikini cover up too because of how long it is read
the length of this super cute you can
always pair it with one of the dresses
kind of wear it loose wrap it this one
might be good for wrapping because it's
not too much fabric no I mean it's there's the fabric it's not the thick fabric you know.
how many ladies when tying a thing around you and then you get all sweaty where it's at because of all the fabric this one doesn't have that much so that's what's nice about that overall how would you rate it yes yes yes likes it moving on um this is the one that I wanted from Target it's kind of reminds me of the orange one the material is a little cheap so it's a little read-through you can read through it but if it is read-through I'll just whatever wear it in the house or we're very very nudes that match my skin tone because that helps um let's try it
I didn't read the devil split I only saw one like it's on each side oh how fun uh this was the only medium.

I think it's because I couldn't find a small so the fabric feels a little loose how
does it look it looks really good it's
really good um very like you can stretch in this one the material is so forgiving like stretchy there's more up summer dress yeah hot day you know you're gonna get right through that dress okay
okay probably the right light you read everything the red the right
the right leg I said red light I'm
like makes you just feel like yeah you
want to go dancing you're not
restricted uh it's a yes right yes and
regardless I like it like it I mean you could always put those patches though the nude patches.
the nipple covers I think I did an obsession yeah and a lot of them leave this weird mix that looks like you have inflamed nipples and these are bigger so they don't create that if that makes sense there I'll read if I can find the link for it again this one I'm a little nervous about it's like oh the color is really nice it's good in my skin tone right yeah skin there that's nice I have
some strings I think for the back yeah
not even necessary honestly no it's not
holding anything up but again we're kids we're not she's more safe it makes it maybe like a kid though you know mama says stop playing with your dress.

I like it these are kind of your favorite though not the flowy ones yeah so what do you rate it yes you like it I love it I'm pleasantly surprised meo I didn't think it was going to be like you I thought it was just like a house thing whatever it might look like pajamas to not take away from the I love
it all right I think we're done I kind
of feel like we are missing hold on we're missing another.
Target one um I felt like something was missing this one was a last-minute thing wasn't even sure about it and he's like what do you think you like this style dress and you like it that long so I'm like let's give it a shot did I try this one a little slit
the things.
I love dresses that have a lot of fabric but like in a good way I feel no. yeah, it's a good modest smell a little bit more of
a mom dress looks really good it was yeah stretchy material let's remove tennis shoes and shoe tennis shoes you know me
I'm in tennis shoes all the time so yeah for sure I love it what is your favorite dress let me know in the comments below.
let me know what other blogs you guys want to read I do have the gym workout coming soon so stay tuned for that. I'm excited for that one my butt has been sore non-stop for like a month since getting this new piece of equipment so I'm excited to share it with you anyways be sure to be
subscribed be sure to be notified for
any future blogs and next time bye
guys oh hashtag love it doesn't forget that bye guys.