Designing Social Media Posts using Illustrator, Designing a Beauty Banner, and MAK Visuals

 Designing Social Media Posts using Illustrator, Designing a Beauty Banner, and MAK Visuals

hey guys welcome back today we are going to create this nice and elegant fashion sale banner for social media in adobe illustrator so let's get started first go to file and create a square artboard select the rectangle tool and create a  square equal to the size of the artboard and from the gradient, panel apply a  radial gradient to the square and invert it change the black side of the gradient to a blue shade and the white side to a dark shade.

Note down the RGB codes for these shades and apply them accordingly in the gradient select this square go to "zone name","placement name","placement id","code (direct link)",DirectLink_1,20312082,,SocialBar_1,20384118,"" object lock and select Now we can work freely on this background square select the rectangle tool and create a  rectangle like this change its color so you can see it properly hold down the alt key and click and drag to create a copy press ctrl d to repeat this action adjust these rectangles in a zigzag position like this select all these rectangles right click and rotate them.

Select a value around minus 25  and hit ok again right click and make a compound path now drag the image of a model in Illustrator you can download this image from the blog description scale it down while holding down the shift key open the layers panel and place it behind these rectangles select these rectangles and the image right click and make a clipping mask now from the layers panel expand this clipping group select this compound path click on this stroke color and apply a  bright blue color to the stroke note down the RGB code for this color.

You can always adjust the stroke from here select a suitable value for the stroke now click on this image from the layers panel and adjust it properly in the compound shape align this clipping mask to the center of the artboard and scale it up as you like select the ellipse tool and create a  circle while holding down the shift key. Remove its stroke and apply this blue fill color to this circle go to edit copy edit and paste in front now we have a copy of this circle change its color to the same dark shade click on the stroke and apply this blue stroke to it to increase the stroke to 2  now scale down this copy of the circle.

Select the larger circle and decrease its opacity to 30 percent now we will add some text for our banner select the type tool and write some headline text change its color to white and increase the font weight to bold note down the font that I'm using place it on a position somewhere like this apply a different color to make it more appropriate note down the RGB code for this yellow shade adjust the position of the headline accordingly. Create a copy and write some text for this circle decrease the font size according to the circle adjust it inside the circle now copy this white text and write some tagline for your banner.

I am writing some random text just to give you an idea change the font weight and decrease the font size place it closer to the headline and slightly decrease its opacity to make the headline more appropriate now add more text at the bottom side and apply a different color to this text adjust their alignment to the center adjust the font size and the position as you like now add some helpful link below this text select the rectangle tool and create a  rectangle here add some text for this rectangle change the color to dark shade align it to the center of this rectangle and adjust the font size now we will add some extra shapes on this banner to grab the attention the ellipse tool and create a small circle like this change the color to white remove the fill and apply a stroke to it.

Create copies of this circle and adjust them on the banner scale them as you like select the polygon tool click and drag and press the down arrow key to generate a triangle release the click to create a triangle scale it down and adjust it on the banner as the other shapes make sure to scale them properly according to the empty spaces take your time to adjust all the shapes now select all these shapes decrease their opacity to 50 then go to effect and apply a shadow to them note down these values for the shadow and hit ok.

Now we have a nice shadow for all the shapes select the ellipse tool and create a  small circle apply a white fill color to this circle scale it down to create a really small circle right click on this circle go to transform and select transform each click on preview and change the horizontal movement to 10  pixels and create a copy press ctrl d several times to repeat this action select all these circles again right click and transform each but this time change the vertical movement to 10  pixels and create a copy again press ctrl d  to repeat this last action now select all these circles and press ctrl g to group them place them on a position somewhere like this.

Create a copy and place it on the opposite side make some final adjustments to the content now select the rectangle tool and create a rectangle equal to the size of the artboard press ctrl-a to select everything that goes to the object and make a clipping mask and here is the final output hope you liked this tutorial don't forget to like this blog and subscribe to mac visuals stay tuned and I'll see you in the next one.

Adobe Illustrator is a versatile tool that allows designers to create precise and scalable illustrations, designs, and patterns, making it an essential software in the fashion industry. 

Here are some key aspects of using Illustrator in fashion:

Fashion Sketching: Designers use Illustrator to create digital fashion sketches or technical drawings. The software provides a wide range of drawing tools, such as brushes, pen tools, and shape tools, to create detailed and accurate fashion illustrations. The advantage of digital sketching is the ability to make quick edits and adjustments to the design without starting from scratch.

Pattern Design: Illustrator allows designers to create intricate and scalable patterns that can be applied to fabrics or garments. Patterns can be created using various tools, such as the pattern brush, and seamlessly repeated across the design canvas.

Garment Flat Illustrations: Fashion designers often create flat illustrations of garments to show the construction and details of the design. Illustrator's precision and ability to create clean lines and shapes make it an ideal tool for this purpose.

Color Exploration: Designers can experiment with different color combinations using Illustrator. The software provides a vast color palette and various color selection tools, making it easier to explore different color schemes for fashion designs.

Technical Drawings: For fashion production and manufacturing, technical drawings are essential. Designers use Illustrator to create detailed technical specifications of a garment, including measurements, construction details, and sewing instructions. These drawings are crucial for communicating the design to manufacturers and pattern makers.

Creating Textile Prints: Illustrator is commonly used to design textile prints that are later applied to fabrics. Designers can create custom patterns or motifs and manipulate them to achieve the desired layout and scale.

Design Presentation: Adobe Illustrator facilitates the creation of visually appealing presentations for fashion design concepts. Designers can combine illustrations, patterns, and mood boards to showcase their ideas to clients or colleagues.

Collaboration and Integration: Illustrator is part of the larger Adobe Creative Suite, which means it can seamlessly integrate with other Adobe software like Photoshop and InDesign. This allows designers to combine different elements of their projects and work efficiently across multiple design platforms.

Overall, Illustrator is a powerful tool for fashion designers, providing them with the flexibility and precision needed to bring their creative ideas to life and communicate them effectively within the industry

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