Welcome back to my blog site and welcome to another Trend forecasting blog actually this year it's not gonna really be a forecasting blog because clearly we are pretty much done with March we're very much into the year and if you guys caught my blog of what I got right what  I got wrong in my 2022 fashion prediction blog that I just uploaded then you probably saw that I had mentioned that I kind of have beef with fashion so I haven't really been as in tune with it even though I feel like I  always I I'm a fashion lover so I'm always like paying attention to these kinds of things but lately I just haven't been into it and the trend cycle is the fastest I think I've ever read it in my life and I feel like the way that fashion is discussed now, especially amongst gen Z is everything core ballet core Norm core biker core very core everything is core like those are the  Aesthetics.

Now and there are so many of them but it just feels so gimmicky to me and where I do feel like having so many different Aesthetics can really help you identify your own personal style I’m huge on personal style obviously I’m a fashion girl so reading the trends and being out shopping that is what's available so you'll read me wear very trendy things but I do feel like lately, I don't read that much creativity  I feel like in 2021 I weirdly did feel like.

it was very creative and I was reading a lot of people on Tick Tock really enjoying the personal style I  just feel like in 2022 I just saw so much copying and very lack of originality and so I actually feel like being over-stimulated with so much content and fashion content and influencers and maybe everybody just being fed the same thing I don't know I go out into the world and I read the exact like carbon copy style so I'm not really sure if it's really like fueling personal style like having so many different Aesthetics which you would think it would I  honestly just feel like it's just pushing the trend cycle super-fast it just feels really costume as well to me.

Almost like you're not wearing the clothing but the clothing is wearing you and for me, I really do feel like personal style helps bring out more of yourself rather than you looking at my clothes and then me does that make sense so that's why I kind of have beef with fashion right now I feel like everything is done for Content everything is done for the clickbait like those cartoon red shoes like I don't know I just feel like all of the fashion designers right now are like trolling us because they need to be talked about it needs to be attention-grabbing.

I don't feel like it's that creative in a way that makes me think it just feels like cheap attention grab you know when everybody used to do like really crazy click-baby stuff on YouTube and it just was like a cheap way to grab attention that's what I feel like is fashion right now if you feel the same way about like the fashion trends right now and fashion right now and you want to step away from it I'm gonna link a blog that maybe can help you develop your own personal style if you're feeling kind of like lost and overwhelmed because I feel like that's kind of what like Tick Tock Instagram.

All of that is doing if you are a consumer of these kinds of blogs like me but anyways let's go ahead and start discussing what you came here for which is what are the trends that we'll be reading in 2023 I  always kind of talk about major themes in these blogs obviously one of the bigger themes is going to be the recession that was approaching or maybe you feel like it's already here that is going to affect the way that consumers are spending their money obviously tend to reel back buy pieces that are more classic versus super flashy which is kind of a contrast to what was kind of going on in 2021  2022 with sequin and flashy feathers.

All of that Opera gloves you know it was very Luxe and indulgent if you will so that's kind of a major theme and that's going to be the shift that we read in our wardrobe and I also always like to look at the major color since color is so psychological and it has so much importance in how we're feeling as a  society and everything so the color of the Year according to Pantone is Viva magenta it says Viva magenta is brave and fearless and a pulsating color whose exuberance promotes a joyous and optimistic celebration writing a new narrative so coming out of obviously covid quarantine and we're looking towards like optimism it can even tie into recession so even though I  genuinely do feel like we're going to be reading more subdued colors just looking at the runway shows.

I did read a lot of red and magenta is obviously part of the red family so I think it's kind of the same themes of being brave and very empowered and it does really give you this overall strong look so I'm here for the color red so moving on to another trend is going to be classic core everything's gonna be core  I like song core everything's core so I was like you know what we're just gonna follow suit so classic core is just an elevated Normcore and I think this is a total response to the recession I think this is a total response to the over-the-top styling all of the ridiculous little items.

We had and by ridiculous I  mean fun just going back to basics and more subdued I feel like this is always gonna be in our lives because this is the way I think most people dress so you know your trousers your Blazers vests those are still going to be very strong categories a lot of stripes a lot of trench coats something that I have noticed and again this is something that  I saw called I think on Tick Tock is  Coastal Grandma core which is basically if you guys saw my 2022 Trend predictions blog I had a category called like old money aesthetic pleats please or something like that so the way that it shifted a bit is especially now first spring is just that on the coast like a bucket pad striped sweater khaki trousers like poplin dresses some more trends

I feel like following under a very feminine category is obviously the ballet core that we have talked about and this is the leg warmers ribbon with a lot of feminine details like Ruffles and volume and a lot of lace obviously is super feminine just super feminine frilly doll like dressing is huge also a lot of florals I'm sure you guys have been reading a lot of this and I really like it actually the corsages you can put them on your waist you can put them on both.

I actually read a lot of dresses like this that you can have the choker with like the big flower in the center and a lot of transparent slash sheer dressing where you can actually read through with this sheer dressing our underwear becomes super important so that's another really big Trend underwear is outerwear underwear’s pants you could read this in a  lot of like Prada Mew Gucci Bella  Hadid we have read in Kendall Jenner it was very talked about last year and also like male boxers kind of classic men's boxers, I think Bottega and again Bella  Hadid another Trend that I noticed just looking at the runways like they're calling it mermaid core.

I mentioned this kind of aesthetic in spring 2021 I believe I feel like designers are always inspired by nature and obviously with like The Little  Mermaid coming out I think it totally makes sense that we're like reading this  I feel like sunset colors are going to be really prominent also metallic I  think I talked about metallic before as well but we are definitely reading them in like pants and in dresses that have this like very liquid like movement to them and finish to them that reminds me very much of like maybe not necessarily.
A mermaid but like a sea animal and even the silhouette is very like curve-hugging kind of a  mermaid style and I do think we saw this a lot in the Oscars which and as much as you can look at that and be like I mean that's not what I'm gonna be wearing but a lot of those things are borrowed and manipulated for the masses I'm like thinking of The Devil Wears Prada now and a lot of mesh material which again kind of ties into the transparent Trend the read-through Trend it all goes hand in hand okay so now let's talk about denim obviously denim is huge literally 365 days a year I feel like it's a staple in our wardrobes.

The way that we're going to be reading denim in 2023 obviously let's just talk about it the Maxi denim skirt if you guys read a lot of like  Trend forecasting blogs you already know the denim maxi skirt is everywhere  I actually saw this really beautiful one on Mango that doesn't have the waistband you know so it's kind of like Y2K e did you notice that I'm not even talking about Y2K I'm so tired of talking about  Y2K fashion um mango did have this really cute skirt but I was thinking like you can literally go thrift it and like make it yourself like deconstruct it reconstruct it because I also do think that a big trend this year with denim is this reconstructed DIY Vibe another thing we'll be reading.

A lot of is denim on denim I feel like for a while denim jackets have gotten the boot it's almost chewy I used to always read people with denim jackets but I feel like they're going to be more of like a  shrunken fit and zip up like 70s style and then obviously paired with like denim pants denim skirts like course settled denim tops also denim shoes like denim boots denim details on shoes denim vest with the denim maxi skirt denim on denim you guys know so moving on we have been reading a lot of utilitarian dressing I feel like.

I've been talking about this trend in particular for like four or five years honestly but you know it just keeps evolving in different ways so we saw a  lot of the cargo pants I feel like that was one of the biggest trends of 2022 so  I feel like this year it's gonna be more of like the cargo trouser so like the trouser pant but with a lot of pockets basically so it feels a little bit more dressed up and it's kind of incorporating these two styles that we have been talking about but we'll be reading Pockets not just on pants but also on skirts on jackets on dresses.
I feel like this kind of ties into the grunge I mentioned grunge dressing last year as well you can read why I almost didn't do this blog because I really do feel like a broken record but ickiest a more grungy dressing uh very  90s and I feel like the car goes tied directly into this baggy Styles baggy jeans with like little tops you can read this in diesel and blue marine some of those Runway looks are definitely like this utilitarian but like has a grungy appeal to it almost like that faded denim that almost has like this  Rusty oh I can't even remember like this almost like a dirty wash to them those are going to be more popular.

A lot more leather as well like I feel like biker gang like that's kind of this vibe that I’m tying in with like utilitarian last kind of umbrella Trend umbrella.

I have for 2023 are oversized accessories and lucky earrings the Bottega was really popular amongst influencers and celebrities and stuff so I feel like a  lot of retailers are going to kind of copy that so we'll be reading a lot more of those kinds of chunky solid either in gold or silver is re-emerging and it's not just like gold I think for a while all we were reading is gold so I think silver in really chunky forms I also believe oversized bags I feel like we went from a really tiny handbag do a 180  so now we're going to be reading this really oversized bag.

I said I wasn't gonna mention Y2K fashion but this trend cycle is typically 20 years I always kind of like a year ahead so 2004 and so  I can just think of like Mary Kate and  Ashley with their huge Balenciaga bag even like those hobo kind of bags I  think those are the style that we are going to be reading in 2023 I also think statement necklaces like we already talked about the big corsage choker I  think chokers are pretty much back and you can read this I kind of mentioned the skinny scarf even that can kind of be read as a choker I don't know why I say  I think these are going to be worn like these are the trends that we're reading.

I'm sorry I keep treating this as a prediction but this is what's out there right now statement necklaces Hearts flowers cross and also I think belts, like We're Not Gonna Be Reading like little skinny belts no belts, are going to be the focus of our outfits either with the long skirts with trousers over dresses like very much like we saw in 2004 2005 like kind of low slung I know all the Millennials are shaking right now so that is basically quickly.

All that I have for you guys today I hope you guys enjoyed discussing all of the fashion trends with me like I said I do want to dive more into personal style blogs so if there’s anything that you would like to know regarding personal style definitely leave me a comment because I want to start putting together some ideas and obviously I want it to be super helpful for you I look forward to reading you in my next blog ciao.

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