
that they're cool it feels
good it's fun what about when it's not what if you just don't agree with opinions sucks it's frustrating
what if you just don't agree with the
way that other people read you what if
they're wrong and you're just
misunderstood what if you fall asleep
listening to certified lover boy on
release night and then your phone auto
loops the whole album for nine hours
cause you were tired that day.
you slept for nine hours and then
you wake up to Drake being one of your top listened-to artists for Spotify rap that year because it looped nine hours and then your friends don't trust you with the Ox anymore because your top song was Girls like girls and it was just like not and like I don't know man these are just hypotheticals of things that would otherwise make you feel misunderstood out of your control because who can really control what they like right where does taste come from anyways these are the top five biggest styles of 2022 from what we know.
now and uh chances are you might be one of the five because these are pretty popular styles right now hell you might even take a liking to the styles after reading this blog and that's totally fine right you may or may not agree with what I have to say got a lot of jokes planned it might hurt your feelings or whatever hey man just go ahead and lose some friends and find some peace how about that better yeah how about you.
take that stupid empty
ass tote bag that you take to places
that don't even need a tote bag why
are you bringing external storage to
a restaurant huh damn we're already getting started anyways it is best to eat the food while it is hot so we are gonna get started with the first style we got here this guy I don't know what it's called yet nobody has coined a term so i'm gonna make one i'm calling it to hype beast two and it has a sub-genre of it a little echo fighter of it called tick-tock core and we're about to get into the differences right now.
so let's get into Hypebeast Two why did I pick this name huh well if you really think about it you might not be able to read it instantly it's actually the old hypebeast archetype lathered in Bengay and cold brew I feel like the transitions vary akin to like in the mid-2000s when you saw a shift in graphic design from logos that were very color saturated dynamic and fun to a more oversimplified boring and brutally neutral mature in quotes evolutions of each other.
so now that you read the logo comparison I'm gonna make a switch right here bam vibe checks right here you read this i'm gonna go back and forth bam and I feel like this is kind of the same thing that's happening with hype beast culture it's the same ideology masked with a more modern digestible approach and now that you kind of understand where the names coined from you can read how it's kind
of just the big-budget sequel.
I mean big budget literally like I remember when we were bugging over supreme shipping costs and now we're talking about sold-out triple-digit dollar sign crewnecks regular crewneck that you understand the concept of the name I want to paint a picture all right so actually you know what let's paint a vibe and i'm going to use the universal vibe language of an Instagram carousel post the more slides you have is like the more pages you have in a book and the more you can articulate.
so let's start with the
first pick right first pick gotta be a
fit pick doesn't matter if you took it
in the mirror doesn't matter if your
friend took it off you on the street it's
indifferent it's like choosing the
difference between beige and taupe like
we get it to show me your earth tone hoodie
with your straight fit pants just get to
the point buddy second pick outfit
grid deconstruct that vibe right now put
it on the floor like it's the first day
of school.
like except that we can read
your hard work this time so be nice
about it all right third pick scenic
pick optimally a sunset pick it's the capture's the best vibe it's like you took a time machine back to summer 16 big city vibes because big things are coming to your way buddy fourth pick something that will go inside of your body food and drinks I want to read what you're drinking I want to read that cold is that a cold brew fifth pick music shows off your immaculate taste don't pick this up really easy to
flip this up now for arguably one of the
most important parts coming up with a
creative caption to kind of tie
everything together all right.
so let's work on this together all right city vibes, oh no it's too basic it's too big it's too easy it's too he's predictable all right I got one oh right in their face right in front of their face photo dump man it's like hiding in plain sight not so easy though it's so easy people have done this p emoji hodo dumb p emoji perfect pushing p pushing me a man who knows a guy like this Amy Leon door amy leon door interesting all right guys you don't have to be embarrassed we've all been here right you don't know you no longer have to go up here and type in.
I don't know like guns or something so you could flood your search history so that it doesn't show that you shamefully searched up the pronunciation of this brand we've all been here all right amy leon door yeah no shot I still say this wrong all right now moving on to the next big style 2022 we got post-minimalism right here and the first thing that comes to mind when I read this guy is he smells good there's just no way he doesn't smell good like maybe not even that he smells good but there's just no way that he smells bad and even though it's not my style.
I would like to smell good and that is why I would like to thank the sponsor of this blog scent bird for making me smell good even though I look like the bottom of a diet coke come on like this is just this just makes a lot of sense scent bird is a monthly subscription service where you can sample hundreds of these cool designer fragrances without having to commit to an entire bottle like here we got this Prada one that reads pretty cool.
I want to try it out but I don't really want to commit to this 105-dollar price tag and smell like the same thing every damn day when you get your order it'll come in this cool vial that's good for 120 sprays let's just break down these numbers 120 sprays maybe like two sprays a day that's 60 days per vial it's easy math these are the three that I've been cycling through lately abercrombie and fitch's fierce reserve right here it's so masculine I feel like I should smell like the tinder swindler on this you know like i'm about to fly.
someone out and make them pay for their date and their flight this one's Continuum 12 o'clock GMT by 2 me I know it's weird like who lives in gmt but this one's sweet it smells like vanilla and it got suede on it tell me another cologne that got suede on it and lastly my personal favorite and also my daily that I've been using is raw spirits winter oak kind of a sleeper like I didn't really expect much but it's like super unique and distinct like you'd be able to smell me in a room.
full of channel blue and dior sauvage basic ass but everyone's different so if you kind of want to figure yourself out they have a quiz over here and uh it'll ask you questions on your personality and uh what am I kidding uh yeah you can kind of like figure out which one you want then after you answer all the questions it'll kind of figure out what your personality is and bam, of course, you know what this makes a lot of sense i'm not even gonna trip/
this will be for next month i'm just gonna add it to the queue and bam that's really all you need to do or you can go to this thing and sort by highest which is what I usually do anyways but go sign up and use code frugal4 at checkout you'll get 55 off your order and that's like the highest it's ever been I think so go capitalize on that deal i'm pretty sure it brings your order down to nine dollars a month so that's like nothing so go sign up for sunburn.
now everything's in the description 55 off it's kind of crazy frugal four go get centered so post-minimalism what's with all these names huh well my idea here is that when a post is used in the context of naming a music genre, for example, it's kind of when a sound evolves and subverts from its original format blending in different elements and different styles and I feel like the word post kind of works here.
this style kind of has the backbone of traditional minimalism or whatever that means but adding new different style cues that might subvert it from the true minimal form is okay so these fit right here take just take a good distance away from your phone or your computer wherever you're reading this on and go ahead and squint right they're almost the same thing it's just kind of the added details that change it you're not basic you're just spicy basic your eggshell.
I like minimalism I feel like this style really makes the most out of versatility in a wardrobe and kind of just capitalizes on the modularity of each piece rather than everything being a bunch of one pump chumps you know example personally I don't think I've ever read a piece of fabric get more life than daniel Simmons's new york yankees hat right that thing has more miles than the google maps car now this look is very similar to hype beast.
I feel like the origins and
piece pairings are different think of it
like this little slider I made right
here so minimalism's core and then
the inspo kind of drives the silhouette
but I like this style you know it's very
clean aesthetically pleasing
elegant soft you know there's something
sensitive about a guy and some post-minimalism just something endearing and warm like hype these two
people out here debating which drake era
was the best.
I feel like some guy in post-minimalism got some overdue library books or something you know also just something about this chair yeah something about that chair just kind of fits the vibe I don't know what it is you've read this chair something about this goddamn chair but with fashion post-pandemic kind of eliminating logo media from the meta.
it's really nice to read these
styles that kind of carry a heavy
influence in silhouette and peace
pairing take a big surge in popularity
and I really think the future fashion
lies in this big picture fit building as
opposed to centerpiece styling it's just
more interesting that way and
post-minimalism kind of does a great job
at making that simple yet dynamic it's
like minimalism with a cool skin also ladies if you find a man that has I feed that's as consistent and uniform as this you better be careful he
cares about himself more than you that being said.
the cool smell in the hoodie that
you stole from him after spending a
night with him is eucalyptus just giving
you that all right on the topic of
ladies I want to talk about a special
type of queen right here ah yes the
ossification of thrifting if thrifting
is Reddit d-pop is Twitter there's just
something chic about buying someone's
mom's used pants for back to what I said
about fashion kind of going away from
brands and becoming more and more about
the modularity of your wardrobe and pieces
inside of it.
I feel like depop core really pushes that agenda for both men and women now you could always argue right aren't all clothes modular isn't that the whole point of building an outfit all food can be ingredients but you're not going to be able to start a restaurant with just junk food in your pantry you know what I'm saying junk food's technically food too it's the same way you won't be able to run a sustainable versatile wardrobe.
a bunch of fast fashioned
trend reliant pieces that being said my
friend is selling this 100 Egyptian cotton top she got handmade in a street market in Morocco in a vibrant natural fuchsia with an organic body slim cut perfect for any casual day but also could be styled up to fit any fashion week fit the piece in question oh you thought that was hot wait till you read the price just something about making men pay anyways on the topic of making men pay.
corp core is kind of the king of
the functional use argument when it
comes to any style really I just did a
whole vid on this so i'm not going to
get into it too deep you can go read
that if you want so i'm just going to
speed run it all right gore-tex windbreaker vibrant comes down jacket fleece to best cargos rock climbing subaru hiking trail mix patagonia thermals layering arcturus carabiners free solo utility nature rain the north face waterproof wow no way your hydrophobic gore-tex shell jacket repels water who would have thought man.
who would have thought also I
keep them thing on me Man what do you think these pockets are for anyways this is big right now because of the emphasis on organic low-effort styling and boy do people flock to that sure some people truly associate with the style and make use of the full functionality of each piece but
if your biggest trek is from the parking
lot to the door.
it's fine you're also loved it's
a really cool style who cares it's
also tech ware's Luigi that I don't know
that just makes so much sense in my head
okay actually this is the alignment
graph just the political compass of
these vibes right here I don't know I
just made this up in like five minutes
so you can debate in the comments.
now on the topic of functionality and rather lack of it we're gonna move on to my favorite style that's finally making its way and materializing into mainstream fashion media and that is Artwave I don't think
I need to explain this one makes sense
right art wave is like the final boss
like level 99 like tier 3 sub of fashion
because it's the ultimate form of expression
like for other styles it might be easy
to copy fits and steal ideas and whatnot.
that's fine you know fashion
is inherently based on copying whether
it be intentional or not just how it is
it happens but for Artwave the magic
comes from your own personal perspective
and also execution right it's like cosplay but you're cosplaying a vibe instead of like a person does that make any sense just rather than leading into a certain rubric of a
look or style art wave really just depends on what you're feeling and how you want to express those emotions through fashion it's just really it's just raw dog fashion but taking the principles of art and performing through the medium of fashion.
I feel like this is the ultimate form
of it it's like when a musician gets
good enough to improvise a whole song or
like when an athlete gets to the top
point zero one percent of
competition that they kind of push the
metagame with how they compete of course
art wave doesn't necessarily have to
come entirely from scratch I feel
like artistic interpretations of
other creative mediums outside of
clothes kind of fall into this category
as well an example.
I like to use is like
wisdom's interpretations of characters
from shows it's not the same as copying
the outfits one-to-one as the fits he's
making aren't congruent to the ones in
the shows but rather a sartorial
remix through the lens of Wisdom
himself really it's hard to be achieved
through external inspo. I feel like this
really comes from one's unique
perspective but also i'm putting a big
emphasis on execution this matters a lot
here we all love finding things that
speak for us and associating with them
because it just makes us feel in place just gives us affirmation for our identity like.
we belong somewhere but having the ability to create this vision on your own is what fashion is really about and that's why I love they have thousand over a thousand cents on that website that I could choose from every month until I can find the scent that truly expresses me you know thank
you to semper for small famous food
thanks for reading the blog hopefully
you're one of these guys if not then
figure it out.