Popular Trends Fashion in 2023

 Popular Trends Fashion for Teenage Girls in 2023 

Popular Trends Fashion for Teenage Girls

They warmly welcome back to my blog Popular Trending Fashion. Look at this pair of men's jeans; they are incredibly thick and super gorgeous. I thrifted them for $9, and the pants were of such high quality that I can't recall what the original brand was. I have missed you guys so much and I'm so happy to be doing this video today.

They are cute, and I like how they look, so I will like them even better if it's denim jackets, so I turned them into a denim jackets. This is how their jacket turned out; I love the buttons on both sides; I think it's super unique; the fact that it's cropped; and the fact that the sleeves are full length; there are no shortcuts here, baby girl; we are getting an entire jacket from this...

So I really love how this turned out, and in case you do too, let me demonstrate how to make it. First things first, you're going to start seam ripping the pockets because they need to go because their contract is finished and they need to leave the building this will definitely take some time so grab some water, a podcast, some wine, if you're doing some day drinking no judgment here, and just seam rip away the pockets to acquire a reasonable size of sleeve length, I got these jeans to fit me rather long. If you can find longer jeans, the better, the more the better, but since this is what I had, I opted to work with it and now we're going to break this into portions.

I'm measuring 24 inches for my sleeve and 17 inches for my bodice, and that's pretty much it; you're done. Okay, so now what I'm doing is I'm drawing a straight line across this point because I am terrible at cutting in a straight line; I need to have some sort of guide. So I drew my straight lines, and it was time to start cutting through this denim. Cutting through four layers of thick denim is not something to take lightly.

I was here for a hot minute just trying to cut through this, and eventually, I did get my sleeve, but this is going to be your sleeves later on put it aside you need to work on the bodice first so I turned her around and maneuvered her. I wanted to evict the top part without being too harsh, so I decided the best way to do this was to cut half of it, fold that over the other side, and then cut off the other half.

The thickness of this denim We eventually got there okay, that's all that matters, as you can see I also got rid of the zipper placket mostly because we don't need her she will look weird in a jacket so she had to go and after she was evicted from the premises we no longer need her. She was thick okay with a double c at the end so I had to really maneuver around and make sure I was putting her in the right place so I unzipped the zipper and th I cut off the fabric and z.

As you can see, you are now left with two pieces and will simply seam tear along those seams since without the adorable zip section, the seam would develop two strange-looking legs. I used the seam ripper for this RV, which is why you have one, Matilda. Anyhow, I turned it inside out; trust me, you need that inch that's in the fold of the seam because there is so much fabric in this fold; if you choose to cut it out, I assure you that you will be losing a lot of fabric; instead, just seam rip it; step on your wine; and take pleasure in the task because this is part of the process.

such that I was looking at the incorrect side. I also removed the pocket, which left me with a somewhat off-center curve, but we can still make it work since we love our garments even when they have flaws. As you can see, we now have this strange bit of cloth. You're going to repeat this on the second leg as well, and now you have two. I was evicting everyone; no one was safe from my scissor fury.

Weird bits of fabric, so yeah, now is the time to turn them, but we're not turning them so that the right sides are kissing yet. Instead, I'm just putting them on top of each other and making sure to really align everything; you want it to sit where it needs to sit. Now, you're going to follow that middle seam; don't worry if you're folding this in half or not; just make sure you're folding it along that middle seam. This will even

I just took a t-shirt and folded it in half. Now we're going to mark the neckline and you're going to mark two points at the points I've just shown you, you're also going to mark out. She's in there, she's just cooperating with me, and I need that. So once I was satisfied with this, as you can see when I flipped it, we have the weird curve that we love, and as you can see one side is smaller than the other,

I also made sure to trace out the sleeve line so that we would have sleeves for our jackets. This is a process that will take time, but I promise it will be worth it. Once every bit of that sleeve line was traced, as you can see, we have a weird shape. I made sure to connect the t's.

As you can see, the top fabric is smaller, so I just used that as a template for the bottom material. Now comes the fun part of working out our arms, so let me tell you I was working with all sorts of angles with this cutting she was really stubborn. In case you didn't know, I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I also made sure to join the dots on the sleeve line so that we'd have a friendly and complete sleeve and cutting this would.

This fabric was incredibly thick; in fact, I want to be as thick as it. It sounds sad, but because it was so difficult to cut through, I definitely got in a good arm workout. For this reason, if you see me in my next video looking ripped, it's because I have super-toned arms. As you can see, I'm simply cutting along the lines we drew the curve, and I'm just making sure everything is in the proper place before and after.

This is completed. We're going to make a vest, which will serve as the foundation for our jacket. I take my time cutting, and once you're done, don't throw away the extra fabric because you'll need it for the collar later. However, for now, since we already have a vest, as you can see, things are beginning to take shape. Next, I'm going to place these two pieces of fabric right sides together so that I can sew along the shoulder seam. 

Then, using the same t-shirt from earlier, I'm going to do the same thing we did: I'm going to trace out that sleeve line and I'm just feeling for it on the top and then tracing that out on the bottom so in case you're good at eyeballing you can just eyeball. I made sure the bulky seam was at the top because I did not want this in my jacket as it would make everything so bulky.

Take your time with this. You want this sleeve to fit perfectly into your jacket bodice so make sure you're taking your time and everything is aligning properly. Once that's done, I just joined the dots and you will see that this line will have a very very slight curve but that curve is essential so I t. However, in case you're really bad at eyeballing just take one of your t-shirts and trace out the line and you'll be fine.

later on, so essentially you're joining the shoulder bits to the waist wow to the wrist oh my god you're joining the shoulder point to the why I almost say twist again okay let's just move on from that so all I'm doing is I'm drawing a straight line using my ruler that way I can cut in a straight line and it's now time for another workout I hope you came ready because your arms will be looking toned if after this tutorial so I just cut along the line I made sure to leave a bit of a  seam allowance and as you can see everything looks fast.

The midpoints of my sleeves were marked after everything was cut out because the original stitching on the jeans was not going to be your midpoint. Make sure you mark it out that way so that when you're attaching the sleeve to the bodice you can align the midpoints perfectly and your sleeve will fit into your bodice quite well. As you can see, we have our midpoints. I promise you this is like 300 times faster so you can imagine how slow this was in real life Ignore that line; when I attempted to draw the sleeves on the opposite side, it didn't work out, so I walked to the opposite side to complete the proceeding. e.

I really made sure to emphasize those midpoints so that I could see them and attach them to my bodice the proper way. Next, with my bodice opened up, I'm going to attach my sleeve. To do this, I'm going to take it and place it right sides together with my bodice. Remember that midpoint we marked? It's time to use it. You're going to align the midpoint with a shoulder seam on your bodice. Just match up those two points and pin

My sleeve is a little bit shorter than my bodice, as you can see. I did not follow the instructions exactly, which resulted in my sleeve being shorter, but it's okay; we'll fix it, so don't worry if this happens to you as well. I simply pinned it along the entire sleeve and made sure everyone was nice and flat; now you'll just sew along the pins so your sleeve is attached to your bodice; don't worry about the excess fabric; we'll get rid of it in

Just make sure you're pinning everything nice and flat and making sure there's no puckering so definitely take your time with this. Once everything is nice and pinned in place, you can now take it to your sewing machine so I just did a basic straight stitch obviously make sure you backstitch because backstitching saves lives and I just did a basic straight stitch you can do a zigzag stitch if that's what you prefer.

As you can see, the shape is taking shape. Good things take time, so be patient with me; we'll get there. Right now, you're going to start pinning along the bottom of the sleeve, and when you get to the point of the excess fabric, just pin off the excess bit of fabric because you're going to sew along the pins and then you're going to get rid of the excess fabric.

As you can see, I'm just cutting off the excess fabric we had on the sides because we do not need it. We can live without her. She is not our boyfriend. She is an ex now, and yeah, she is no longer in her life. Why did I use them for a boyfriend? That is so weird. Anyway, you're going to sew along the pins, and once you do, the bottom of the sleeve and the side of the bodice will be completed.d.

I simply used my standard half-straight stitch, and now we have a closed-up jacket, which means you're essentially done making your jacket. There is just a tiny bit of the collar and the button left, so you're almost there just hanging there we're almost finished, so I'm just turning this the right way out so you guys can see my fabulous jacket at this point. I was so excited because I love seeing things come together, and as you can see, this is our jacket number.

I know there has been a lot of seam ripping today, but please bear with me; it will all be worth it in the end. cheats here that are a sleeve she's looking cute and this is the bodice of her jacket so now as you can see we have this weird seam on this side so I decided since I could not get rid of that I would make that the back side of my jacket and the nice and cute side would be my front as I said earlier if you decide to cut you.

Yes, I poked myself quite a bit, but the task was completed, and that's what counts, so use as many pins as you can. Once everything is nicely pinned, sew along the three edges, leaving the bottom edge open. You can see my white thread at this point, and I made sure to cut off the corners. Then, turn this the right way out, and this did the trick.

After a minute of pushing and shoving, you're going to have a collar bit that is now ready to attach to your jacket. I have to admit, she looks kind of cute, and now it's time to attach her to the jacket. As you can see, we're going to attach this. Just make sure you're really poking out those corners so that your collar looks nice and neat.

You're basically going to sandwich the top of the jacket inside this collar, so make sure you're aligning the bottom edge to the top of the jacket and pin everything in place to make sure nothing is puckering up this is why you need the pins. I'm just taking my collar as you can see it looks like a sandwich because it's opening up so I'm attaching the bottom edge of the collar to the top edge of the jacket.

then we'll talk about the sewing machine. You don't want your jacket to pucker and just create bumps and lumps within the collar bit, so just make sure you're really straightening things out after the collar was attached. You should have something that looks like this, and you're basically finished with making it. I know I'm being so basic today, but I just did a straight stitch as I stretched my fabric.

You're jacket so I'm just making sure you guys can see propping up the collar I added these cute buttons I got a bunch of five for like two dollars so I got two packets and I added buttons on both sides so I'm putting the buttons three inches apart you can make the buttons farther apart or closer together if that's your choice it's your world baby and you're just living in it so just go crazy do whatever you need to I hand sewed I added buttons on both sides of hands.

I could, and I would, so after fastening buttons to one side, I decided that instead of making buttonholes on the other side, I would just add more buttons because, after all, who cares about a jacket's practicality, right? All I had to do was match up the two sides and make sure that the buttons would be placed in the same precise location on the other side, and then.

I just hand-sewed the butt, and while this was fairly simple, I really hate hand-sewing; it's not my favorite thing to do. Whoever invented the sewing machine deserves my highest level of praise because they saved my life. So while this was relatively simple, I just hand-sewed the buttons on. Just make sure the buttons are really tight so that they don't fall off.

I like that look, but if you don't, you can just hem it; it's your day, so you can do whatever the hell you want with it. In any case, that's all I have to say today; please bear with me as we reach the finish of this extremely lengthy film. Despite being so lengthy, I truly hope you all enjoyed it and learned a lot. Please let me know if you try this DIY; I can assure you that it is well worth the time and effort.

time-consuming I'm not going to lie, but it's totally doable and you can definitely do it at home. I'm going to leave now, but I really hope to see your lovely face in my next video. Until then, can someone tell me if you ever wear your jacket or do you put it over your shoulders? I'm so guilty of either wearing my jackets on my shoulders or off one shoulder; I just can't seem to get them on or off correctly. 

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