These 10 easy practises are enhancing my sense of style

These 10 accessible practices are enhancing my sense of style 

the one thing I realized about building a personal style that feels like you is that well it's a habit. Just like any other habit that you want to make or break,  you have to want to and be you gotta work on it just like muscles that you would go to make in a gym you got to put the Reps in and just like at the gym I wanted those gains quick or whatever the gym bro lingo is. I thought the shortcut to putting in that time and effort was by going shopping.

I used to think that I could just buy my way into having good Styles so I would scroll on  Instagram and Pinterest and buy all the infinity scarves and floppy hats I could get my hands on don't judge me and if you've been reading this Blog at all you'll know that all I ever ended up with in the end was a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear and a whole lot more wasted money and the best part about all of it was that I still didn't really have a good sense of my style.

it  wasn't until I started actually spending  time in my wardrobe that I was able to  hone in on my personal style with a lot  more clarity and when I shifted spending  all that time from shopping to some of  these habits that I'm going to talk to  you about in today's blog not only did  it help me find my personal style but it  also allowed me to experiment and evolve  with the style that I found in the first  place so in today's blog I want to  share with you those 10 habits that  improved my personal style

this blog is sponsored by Lily Silk but I'll talk about them more a little later the first habit that was a complete Game  Changer in helping me find and improve upon the personal style that I was  trying to build was getting dressed for nothing as in getting dressed every day regardless of whether or not I had somewhere special to go I used to look at getting dressed in one of two ways one I would only get dressed up for a  special occasion like a date night going to a party.

things like that and two I  used to use going to work as a reason to put effort into how I looked and my style but after a while, I just stopped caring and started going to work feeling and looking like a potato but I still had a ton of clothing in my closet that I just wasn't really using and I couldn't find a good opportunity to use them that was until I decided to just start getting dressed for no reason even if I was going to stay home all day and edit blogs.

if I wasn't gonna go anywhere or if the only time I  actually left the house was to take out the garbage I was determined to start getting dressed not only did I start feeling a lot better about myself but I  felt more productive in my work and I  was starting to find out what it was I  liked and what I didn't like and I think this habit would also be really helpful especially if you work from home or work remotely it's really easy to get into a  rut of just wearing leggings or sweatpants at home all day.

let's be real that's what's most comfortable but I think even if you do this a few days a week not only will I think you'll feel really good about yourself but you'll start to really find out what it is you like and what you gravitate towards in your own wardrobe and that way you can really discover and build upon your own style habit number two was waiting before I bought something if you guys have been reading this blog then you know I was a full-blown shopaholic and I would give in to any.

all of my buying impulses and with that it left me with a whole bunch of clothes that I wasn't using wasn't wearing a whole lot of buyer's remorse and a whole lot of debt and wasted money  I spent many years trying to rewire my brain when it came to my impulse buying and not only has this immensely helped my wallet and my personal finances but it's really helped me with my personal  Style.

Just taking a breath and slowing down that impulse buying I was able to dodge a lot of potential buyer's remorse items and prevented myself from buying things that I didn't truly need if you do struggle with impulse buying my favorite two things to do is one put the item on a wish list and two give yourself at least 24 hours to cool off and think about it usually when I  allow myself to sleep on something I've completely forgotten about it by the next morning and when I do go back to my wish list probably to add something else that I'm trying not to impulse buy.

I'll forget that I even wanted that thing to begin with so putting things on a wish list and giving yourself a cooling off period you can make it 24 hours a week a  month whatever you think works for you if you set that boundary I think not only will it save you a ton of money but it can really help streamline your shopping and help you stick to curating that personal style that you envision habit number three.

I've only been starting to pay attention to this year and that is incorporating texture my  wardrobe is pretty boring I would say and I love it that way I wear the same basic three or four outfits pretty much on repeat so the way that I like to change it up is by playing around with my textures so I love incorporating things like leather metallics and even things like cashmere and silk but it is through paying attention to textures and materials that I'm able to create a  little bit of a different look.

while still sticking true to the basic outfit  Foundation that I know I feel most comfortable in which brings me to today's sponsor Lily Silk so Lily Silk did send me a couple of pieces to demonstrate my point about mixing and matching and playing around with textures I'll show you a couple of outfits and how I do that with their pieces so this first outfit is very me and this is something that you would read me in pretty much on an everyday basis but if I want to change it up a little bit I can do one of two things.

I can throw on this silk tank top and now all of a sudden the look feels a little bit softer and can really easily transform this outfit from day to night just by changing one piece but if I want to keep the T-shirt I could switch to these silk trousers they're really flowy really comfortable and cool and I think it gives a completely different vibe but still really Chic and elevated so this is what I mean by playing around with different textures.

it can really transform form your look without straying too far out of your comfort zone if you do like to stick to a  certain outfit formula and if you are interested in any of the pieces from  Lily Silk I will leave them all linked down below for you in my opinion they are very high quality I've been sleeping on their pillowcases for like two years they're still going strong.

I use their eye mask and their scrunchies and I really like that they're paying attention to the sustainability Factor when it comes to their garments they use 100  Mulberry silk and they do make efforts to keep the products clean and toxin-free with their Ecotec certification and  Lily silk is making efforts to become zero waste in their production so any leftover fabric from their clothing they will repurpose into things like scrunchies the pillowcases their eye masks and they're now also working with TerraCycle to enhance their recycling initiatives and I just like the feeling and the breathability of silk on my skin plus they just add a little bit more interest to your look so if you're interested in checking out Lily silk.

I  will leave everything linked down below habit number four was learning to pay attention to my Footwear do you ever spend time putting together an outfit you're loving you're vibing it feels so good and then you throw on a  pair of shoes and wonder why all of a  sudden that look is just completely off  I'm learning over time that the choice of Footwear can really make or break an outfit and usually when my outfit feels off it's because I picked the wrong shoe.

I think the best way to do this is to just show you and for me, the shoe choice is very much built off of the bottoms that I'm choosing so if you'll read here  I'm wearing just a straight-leg pair of denim that's sort of cropped that sort of ends at the ankle you can read here  I've chosen a super chunky sneaker I  even would have worn this maybe a couple of years ago but if I switch it out with either a ballet flat a more Sleek loafer.

just a more streamlined and leaner sneaker you can read that it really changes how the outfit looks and it changes the weight of the outfit when  I'm wearing that super chunky sneaker here I think it cuts me off weirdly at the ankle it truncates my leg and I think it makes me look a lot shorter than I  actually am whereas if I choose a  sleeker and daintier shoe it really sort of continues the line of sight of my leg it makes my legs look longer and it just looks sleeker and cleaner in my opinion.

 but where I think a chunky sneaker would look great is with this pair of wide-leg high-rise trousers and I think it's because the trousers not only do elongate my legs, to begin with, but they go all the way down to the ground they don't cut off at my ankle so you can kind of get away with having a chunkier shoe but where it doesn't necessarily work for me is throwing on a shoe or a  flat with a rounder toe.

I think this again truncates my leg it sort of halts that sight line and it just makes the outfit feel a  little bit off so what I would replace this shoe with is something with maybe a  little bit more of a pointed toe and what that does is continues the line of sight and even brings it past the bottom of my ankle so it makes my legs look a  mile long if you find that your outfit is feeling off and maybe a little less stylish than you want to feel try playing around with your shoe choice and read.

how it changes that outfit number five is experimenting with proportion and balance in an outfit now when it comes to this you know for me personally  I don't really subscribe to you know those like body type rules and dressing for a certain body type I think that really boxes Us in when it comes to playing around with fashion and just experimenting anybody deserves to try and play around with any style they want you can wear it whatever you want all.

the rules at the end of the day but I'm noticing that I was starting to feel a  lot more confident in some of my outfits and just being like Oh you look good today girl when I paid attention to balance and proportions in my outfit so, for example, I love me an oversized Blazer and I love that oversized trouser that goes with it but since I'm going oversized with the  Blazer on top and oversized with the trouser on the bottom I don't necessarily want to reach for one of my favorite oversized t-shirts too now.

I  mean that can be a look in itself and sometimes I completely would wear this but I think with this you can also run the risk of just being swallowed in  Fabric and so with this look, for example, I would switch out the oversized t-shirt for a slim fitting tank top or even a  bodysuit but I do like how switching out those two elements creates a completely different outfit and creates a  completely different silhouette when I  switch with the t-shirt for the tank top you can read that I have a body you can read.

I have a waist and it just creates a different element for example I'm wearing this slim-fitting tank top with my tighter 501 jeans this to me looks completely fine and I would definitely wear this on its own but where I would bring a little bit more balance and interest into it is by throwing on this oversized button up to me it just makes it a little bit more interesting and more of an outfit than just this straight up and down tank top and jeans so by experimenting with balance and just playing around with it trying it read what sticks read what fits.

I've been able to discover new things that I like to wear in my style and it just adds a little bit more things for me to play with when I am shopping for my own closet habit number six is taking care of myself by this I mean just taking the time to do my best to take care of myself so this is things like you know making sure I take off all my makeup at the end of the night no matter how tired I am doing my skincare taking some time to style and do my hair even things like getting enough sleep.

it means the next day I'm feeling energized and refreshed to have the mental capacity to even decide to want to get dressed and choose an outfit and spend the time doing that so giving back to yourself and practicing self-care in whatever that means to you can still translate into personal style and how you present yourself later because if you're feeling good about yourself and feeling confident anything you choose to wear I think is going to look good on you.

I think you'll feel good in it habit number seven is allowing myself to store pieces instead of decluttering them I definitely have fallen into the  Trap of decluttering something because I  thought I should get rid of it and then ending up buying it or thinking about buying it later on it just creates a  cycle of waste wasted money and it's not great for the environment even though I  always sell my pieces and try to give them a new home.

and a new life with somebody else who knows what ends up happening to it later so if you're feeling on the fence about something there is no pressure to get rid of it right away give yourself permission to store it and revisit it at another time  I have a ton of blogs on my Blog all about decluttering and letting go now and I hope a lot more of a balanced and gentle kind of way but if you're just not ready to let go of something.

If you're not quite sure yet then don't give it any more energy than it deserves stored away and revisit it later or you can challenge yourself to style it I  have a whole blog All About That Right  Here number eight is leaning into accessories I love a good pair of gold hoops I literally never take these off I  love a necklace stack I love a ring stack but things like belts purses hair accessories there are so many things that you can play around with that can really transform.

otherwise, a basic and simple look even red lipstick or a bold eye really communicates something different depending on what you're going for accessories can even become part of your signature style I wear these hoops every single day I always have this necklace stacked on for me that's part of the outfit and if I  decide to change things up then it's going to change up the look and how I  normally present myself so don't be afraid to play around with your accessories.

to change up your style and communicate a different vibe number nine is outfit repeating I think once you find an outfit combination that you love hold on to it and never let it go and within outfit repeating if you do tend to get bored with that then that's where you can incorporate things like playing around with balance and textures and accessories to create different outfits that still mimic.

That Base Foundation that you know you like and that way can really prevent you from getting bored and feeling too repetitive in your style don't be afraid to repeat an outfit if it's good it's good and number  10 is more related to shopping but it's knowing how I'm gonna pay for it even if it's a Splurge I gotta know where that money is coming from and how is this related to personal style you may ask well if you are looking to add something new to your wardrobe.

you want it to be joyful not anything that you regret and not anything that adds more stress and more burden into your life and I'm not just talking about the space that it's going to take up and how you're going to take care of it but when you get that credit card bill at the end of the month and you have no idea how you're going to pay for it it's just the worst feeling and it just stops your energy you don't want that kind of stress in your life fashion is meant.

to be something fun and joyful if there's something you want to add to your wardrobe keep it that by not going into debt for it and by knowing exactly how you're going to pay for it so those are the 10 habits that help me find my personal style and improve upon it dedicating some time and creating these small habits has really helped me just feel better about my clothes better about my wardrobe and even better about any future purchase.

I decide to make it because in implementing these habits you learn so much about yourself in the process you learn what it is you like and what you don't like you even learn to not compromise on those things I think it helps really cultivate a sense of confidence in your own wardrobe in your own style and even in your own self.

so let me know if there are any habits that you've implemented that have helped you find your style or allow it to evolve leave me a comment down below if you like this blog I would so appreciate it if you give me a thumbs up it is a great way that you can help support this blog and help my blog you'll reach other people and if you like this blog and want to read more then please write comment thanks so much for reading,  read in the next one guys bye.

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